What is the Physical Treatment Like?

Polarity Therapy often involves physical contact with the body. In session work the client remains fully clothed and lies down on a treatment table.

There are three types of pressure that we use in Polarity Therapy, with Sanskrit names:

  1. There is a very calming and soothing, light touch which is called Sattvic.

  2. There is a stimulating touch that tends to gently stir the energy, called Rajasic.

  3. And there is a deeper touch called Tamasic which is sometimes needed in order to move energy crystallizations that have formed. After these crystallizations are broken up, energy moves through that area, carrying away the toxins which have collected.


Using Both Hands

Whenever working on the body, we tend to use both hands. The right hand has a positive charge and the left hand has a negative charge. This allows us to constantly move energy between our right and left hands by attraction and repulsion.

As the client is treated, the therapist places two hands around the energy block. As the energy moves between the therapist’s hands, it sweeps away any interference in the energy pattern that the therapist is working with.

The person being worked on often experiences a feeling of lightness, sometimes tingling, and a feeling of relaxation. After a session many clients report feeling clarity of mind, and a sense of being “in balance” physically, mentally, emotionally. The body and mind are attuned to one’s inherent capacity for health, and many clients find sessions to be an aid to their healing process on all levels.

What is a blockage?

A blockage to the energy means that an area has become stagnant and lost its magnetic charge. The energy flow in that area becomes minimal, and most of the energy flows around the blockage or gets blocked above it - creating a sense of pressure in the body (many headaches are caused this way).


The other circulatory systems of the body - the blood and lymph - follow suit as they reflect the energy flow —thus nourishment and elimination in the tissues is also reduced.

Talking about energy flow is a bit like talking about the wind. You never see it but you can feel when it’s there and when it’s not. In the same way, a Polarity Practitioner can feel energy flowing and can feel a blockage. By subtle manipulation and supportive touch, the therapist can feel the blockage dissolving and can encourage the energy to flow through the area again.

Polarity physical treatment is not a form of massage or physical tharapy. The aim is not to manually encourage blood flow by kneading the soft tissue, or to restructure the body by mechanical techniques. Instead we are encouraging the electromagnetic energy to flow into stagnant areas and come into a state of balance, which in turn influences the psychology, physiology, and physical structure.


Is there a ‘transmission’ of energy from therapist to client?

Yes, to an extent there is, in the same way that two people in the same room will have an effect upon each other. But the practitioner generally remains as detached as possible and tries to remember that he is simply stimulating the flow of energy — the client’s own energy is doing any “curing” that might take place.

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