Friends of Polarity Therapy
The Friends of Polarity Therapy Directory is open to anyone who integrates Polarity Therapy principles into their work. This designation acknowledges individuals who incorporate aspects of Polarity Therapy into their practice, though we do not verify their credentials, educational background, or training hours unless they hold one of the following certification levels.
The following certifications are awarded by the Polarity Therapy Institute and reflect specific training hours and competencies aligned with our rigorous Standards of Education. Each certification level represents 225 hours of training, with the total listed hours reflecting cumulative study.
PT-1: Polarity Therapist Level 1 (Foundation) = 225 hours
PT-2: Polarity Therapist Level 2 (Intermediate) = 550 hours
PT-3: Polarity Therapist Level 3 (Advanced) = 675 hours
PT-4: Polarity Therapist Level 4 (Mastery) = 900 hours
PT-5: Polarity Therapist Level 5 (Educator) = 1125 hours